Support the Meherrin Indian Tribe

Donations to The Meherrin Nation (Tribe) are Tax-deductible.

Please help the Meherrin Nation preserve its culture for the next generation by donating to the Meherrin Nation. All donations are tax deductable and 100% is used for materials as labor and administrative work are donated through volunteers. If you would like to be a volunteer, please contact us in writing or email.  You do not have to be a Meherrin Tribe member to volunteer.

Please indicate if your donation is a "general donation" or for a specific projects such as the rebuilding of the Meherrin Museum and Kanehse' kye (Longhouse).

Please make checks payable to:

Meherrin Indian Tribe
P.O. Box 274
Ahoskie, NC. 27910

Never donate in any other name or variations of our name.  Never donate payable to a member or individuals name. Contact us if you believe you are being swendled by a group or individual using our name. It should say payable to "THE MEHERRIN INDIAN TRIBE" ONLY

Click here to download the tax deduction form

If you would like to donate to support the Annual Meherrin Powwow, or place an ad in the Annual Powwow Program, please download this form for more information:

Click the link below to download:
2018 Ad Dimensions.pdf


2022. Content copyright 2022. All rights reserved